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WWE RAW Results (8/8): Multiple Matches Signed for SummerSlam, Special Guest Daniel Bryan and More!

Chris Jericho w/Kevin Owens vs Enzo w/Cass

Jericho sends Enzo down to the mat with two stiff shoulder blocks. Enzo surprises Jericho with a drop kick. Enzo slaps on a hammerlock, but Jericho gets to the ropes. When Enzo releases the hold Jericho chops him in the chest. Enzo sends Jericho over with two modified head scissors. Jericho kicks Enzo in the gut and chokes him on the middle rope. Snap suplex by Jericho followed by the classic “Come on, babay!’ pin. Jericho only gets a one count. Enzo tries to fight out but he ends up running right into a dropkick by Jericho. Jericho tosses Enzo over the top, but Enzo hooks the ropes and skins the cat. Jericho charges Enzo, but Enzo dumps him to the outside. Enzo takes Jericho out with a baseball slide.

After a short break, Jericho has Enzo trapped in the corner. Enzo fights out and destroys Jericho with a diving middle rope DDT for a two count. Flying cross body by Enzo for a two count. Facebuster followed by a running elbow to the face by Enzo. Enzo attempts a hurricanrana, but Jericho reverses it into the Walls of Jericho. Enzo barely makes it to the ropes. Jericho argues with the referee. Enzo surprises Jericho with a top rope cross body for another two count. Owens grabs Enzo’s foot. Cass runs to the other side of the ring to break it up. Enzo turns around and eats a Codebreaker. Cass gets in the ring and lands a Test like running big boot to Jericho. The referee has no choice but to DQ Enzo.

Winner- Chris Jericho

After the match, Cass challenger Jericho and Owens to a match at SummerSlam