Big Matches Set for Impact This Week
This week’s edition of TNA Impact Wrestling will feature the following matches:
-Drew Galloway vs Mike Bennett in a BFG Playoff semi-finals match
-EC3 vs Matt Hardy in a BFG semi-finals match
-The Decay vs The Bromans in a TNA Tag Team Title Monster’s Ball Match
Matt Hardy Comments on “Reigns Must Be Deleted” Sign at Battleground
As seen at WWE Battleground last night, a fan was holding a sign which read “Reigns Must Be Deleted”, and Matt Hardy reacted to the sign by Tweeting the following:
That process would be ORGASMIC.
The DELETION LINE to quell the #BrotherNeros of the world grows daily. https://t.co/x39I75re0y
— #BROKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) July 25, 2016
I saw his DELETION in a premonition last night. It was DELIGHTFUL. https://t.co/tgFVoV4O67
— #BROKEN Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) July 25, 2016
Latest Impact Breakview
Below is the latest edition of Breakview, recapping the first round of the Bound for Glory playoffs: