WWE SmackDown Results (7/7) – Jericho vs. Zayn, The Club Confronts Enzo & Big Cass , Who’s Brock Lesnar’s SummerSlam Opponent?

Second Match: Zack Ryder vs. Sheamus 

Sheamus with a running knee strike as the bell rings. Sheamus lands a series of lethal lariats. Sheamus with a running knee to the midsection of Ryder. Sheamus with a forearm to the back of Ryder. Sheamus with the Ten Beats to the chest of Ryder. Ryder tosses Sheamus over the top rope. Sheamus with a tilt-a-whirl powerslam to Ryder on the ring apron. Ryder lands a series of forearms to Sheamus. Sheamus responds with the Irish Curse Backbreaker. Sheamus places Ryder on the top rope.

Sheamus gets Ryder in a fireman’s carry position. Ryder gets back on the top turnbuckle. Sheamus with a clubbing forearms to the back of Ryder. Ryder sends Sheamus crashing down to the mat. Ryder with the flying elbow drop to pickup the victory. After the match Tom Phillips interviews Ryder on the stage. Phillips asks Ryder what’s next? Ryder says that he’s focus on regaining the United States Championship. Ryder says that you need to have respect for that title. Ryder says that Rusev has no respect for anything in the world. Ryder makes it clear that he’s challenging Rusev for his United States Championship. 

Winner: Zack Ryder