WWE SmackDown Results (7/7) – Jericho vs. Zayn, The Club Confronts Enzo & Big Cass , Who’s Brock Lesnar’s SummerSlam Opponent?

First Match: Seth Rollins vs. Jey Uso 

Dean Ambrose was the special guest ring announcer for this match. Bell rings and Rollins applies a side headlock. Rollins drops Jey with a shoulder tackle. Jey responds with a hip toss and a deep armdrag. Jey applies a armbar. Rollins drives Jey to the corner. Rollins stomps on Jey’s chest. Jey drops Rollins with a uppercut. Jey follows that up with a back suplex. Rollins with a boot to the face of Jey. Rollins with a back breaker for a two count. Ambrose gets on the microphone and says that the WWE Universe can get a Dean Ambrose T-Shirt and a Seth Rollins Ice Cream Bar, but be careful because it taste like crap. Jey with a rolling crucifix for a two count. Jey connects with a flying crossbody. Jey clotheslines Rollins over the top rope.

Jey follows that up with a suicide dive. Jey rolls Rollins back into the ring. Jey lands a series of knife edge chops. Rollins send’s Jey face first to the second turnbuckle pad. Rollins with a flying knee to the back of Jey. Jey is sent crashing to the outside. Rollins rolls Jey back into the ring. Rollins with a running forearm for a two count. Rollins applies a rear chin lock. Rollins with a neckbreaker. Rollins climbs to the second rope. Ambrose distracts Rollins by saying that a member in the WWE Universe car is parked in a towing area. Jey goes for a Samoan Drop, but Rollins counters with a enziguri. Standing switch and Jey finally connects with the Samoan Drop for a two count.

Jey goes for a running stinkface, but Rollins ducks out of the way. Rollins goes for the Pedigree, but Jey counters with a roll through. Rollins tries to drop Jey with a axe kick, but Jey counters with a superkick. Jey goes for the Uso Splash, but Rollins gets his knee’s up in the air. Rollins plants Jey with the Pedigree to pickup the victory. After the match Ambrose finally announces that Rollins is winner of this match. Ambrose gets in the ring. Rollins storms out of the ring. Ambrose said that he was there to raise his hand, but Rollins is not buying it. Ambrose says that he’s going to raise his championship title up in the air when he defeat’s both Rollins and Roman Reigns at WWE Battleground

Winner: Seth Rollins