Third Match: Eddie Edwards (c) vs. Mike Bennett w/Maria Kanellis for the TNA X-Division Championship
Eddie controls the match early on, but Bennett gets a quick shot in to turn the tide, and he tries a springboard something from the apron, but he slips off the top rope and crashes. Eddie looks amused before he goes back to work on Bennett, hitting a top rope Frankensteiner, but Maria distracts the referee while Bennett goes to Eddie’s eyes and hits an Ace Crusher for a two count.
Bennett hits a spinebuster with a nice snap on it for a two count, but Eddie comes back with a series of back elbows, sends Bennett to the floor, and wipes him out with a pair of dives through the ropes. Maria looks quite unhappy as Eddie rolls Bennett back into the ring and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. Eddie goes for a sunset flip, but Bennett drops down and grabs the ropes for the cheap win.
Winner: New TNA X-Division Champion Mike Bennett