WWE SmackDown Results (6/16) – MITB Combantants Clash In 6-Man Tag, Charlotte/Natalya, AJ Styles In In-Ring Action

Third Match: Rusev w/Lana vs. Kalisto

Rusev manhandles Kalisto into the ring as he hops on the ring apron. Rusev plants Kalisto with a over the head belly to belly suplex. The bell never rings and Rusev applies the Accolade to Kalisto. Sin Cara comes down to the ring.

Sin Cara with a springboard crossbody to Rusev. Rusev with a side kick to the head of Sin Cara. Rusev also gets Sin Cara in the ring. Titus ONeil storms into the ring and Rusev rolls out of the ring. Titus lands a series of haymakers to Rusev. Rusev storms to the back with Lana.

Winner: No Contest