WWE SmackDown Results (6/16) – MITB Combantants Clash In 6-Man Tag, Charlotte/Natalya, AJ Styles In In-Ring Action

First Match: Aiden English w/ Simon Gotch vs. Luke Gallows w/Karl Anderson vs. Kofi Kingston w/Big E vs. Big Cass w/Enzo Amore 

Gallows kicks Kofi in the gut as the bell rings. Kofi goes for a sunset flip, but Gallows lands a big right hand. Gallows goes for a leg drop, but Kofi rolls out of the way. Cass drops Gallows with a clothesline. Cass body slams English. Cass launches English to the outside. Gallows clotheslines Cass over the top rope. Gallows and English double teams Cass. Gallows and English whips Cass back first to the barricade. New Day and The Club have a stare off and we go to commercial break. 

Gallows and English double teams Kofi in the corner. English with a flying boot to the ribs of Kofi. Gallows and English with a double team hip toss for a two count. Cass with a big boot to the face of Gallows. Cass with the Stinger Splash to English in the corner. Gallows rolls Cass out of the ring.

Gallows and Cass exchange back and forth right hands. Cass drops Anderson with a right hand. Kofi with a flying crossbody onto Gallows and Cass on the outside. Gotch tries to attack Kofi from behind, but Big E lays him out. Kofi with the Trouble to Paradise to English to pickup the victory

Winner: Kofi Kingston