WWE RAW Results (5/16): Women’s Title Match Contract Signing, The Club vs The Usos, and the Final Hype for Extreme Rules!

After a short break, Miz clotheslines Zayn in the corner. Miz goes up top and lands a double ax handle. Cesaro tags in and tells Miz to watch and learn. Cesaro does the same corner clothesline/ax handle spot Miz did. Miz tags himself back in. Snap mare into a big boot. Miz sets up the skull crushing finale, but Zayn reverses it. Zayn stumbles into the corner and tags in Owens. Owens knocks Cesaro off the apron and hits a second rope missile dropkick on Miz. Miz levels Miz with a clothesline in the corner followed by the cannonball for a two count. Miz tags in Cesaro. Cesaro puts Owens on the uppercut train. Cesaro finishes his onslaught with a dropkick. Miz blind tags himself in. Cesaro calls for the swing, but Miz tosses him out of the ring. Miz tries to swing Zayn, but Cesaro gets back in the ring and skull crushing finales Miz. Zayn helluva kicks Miz for the win.

Winners- Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens

After the match, Owens superkicks Zayn.

The Shinning Stars (Primo and Epico) walk to the ring. They cut a promo about the ring being their home of Puerto Rico.

The Shinning Stars vs Local Talent

Epico hits a clothesline on Jackson. Epico follows that up with a belly-to-back suplex into a German suplex followed by a brainbuster. Kennedy tries to get in the ring to help his partner but he runs right into a sick lariat by Epico. Epico hits an elevated butterfly gut buster. Primo tags in and body blocks Kennedy. Epico and Primo hit a tandem leg sweep/ enzguri combo for the win.

Winners- The Shinning Stars

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