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House of Hardcore 13 Philly Results: RVD vs Rhino, Ricky Steamboat, Sandman Appears, Billy Gunn In-Action, Tommy Dreamer & More

Pro Wrestling NOAH Global Honored Crown Tag Team champions Lance Hoyt & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Colt Cabana & Chris Hero

Hero and Cabana went right after the champs and everyone battled to the floor.  Back in the ring, Hoyt slammed Cabana.  He and Smith tagged in and out and worked on Cabana.  Cabana fired back with chops.   Hero tagged in.  He chopped away at Smith, who absorbed the blows.   They nailed the Hart Attack on Hero.  Hoyt drilled Cabana and knocked him off the apron.

The champs tagged in and out, working over Hero.    Hero was almost able to make a tag to Cabana, but was pulled back to the center of the ring.  He fought back but was drilled by Smith and nailed with a legdrop for a two count.   Cabana finally got the hot tag and hit the Flying A**hole before nailing some clubbering elbows.  

Hero rejoined the fray and nailed some elbows and knee strikes on Smith for a two count.  Smith nailed a big back suplex with a bridge for a two count.  All four brawled in the ring.  Hero and Cabana drilled Smith with a forearm smash and a elbow at the same time.  Hero unloaded with elbow strikes.  Smith nailed a superkick and Hoyt drilled him with a chokeslam for another two count.

Hero was drilled with the double team powerbomb and pinned.

Your winners and still Pro Wrestling NOAH Global Honored Crown Tag Team champions Lance Hoyt & Davey Boy Smith Jr!

Rhino vs. Rob Van Dam

They brought out Stephen DeAngelis to ring announce the main event.  He said it was a match that fans have been waiting 15 years to happen.

Big ECW chant before they rang the bell.  Rhino took the mic and said he was a politician so he doesn’t lie and he’s not going to kill himself for these people.   The crowd chanted, “Vote for Rhino.”

There was a lot of playing to the crowd and standing off early.  When they began wrestling, they had some nice back and forth wrestling.  RVD nailed a kick off the apron to the floor and nailed a pescado over the top to the floor. Rhino tried to bring a table into the equation but RVD hit a sliding kick into it.  Back in the ring, RVD nailed a series of kicks.  He set up for Rolling Thunder but Rhino rolled out of the ring.

RVD followed him to the floor but Rhino drove him into the apron and nailed a suplex on the floor.  Back in the ring, Rhino worked over Van Dam and scored several two counts.   Van Dam was trapped in a rear chin lock.  Rhino slammed him and went to the ropes.  He nailed a splash but RVD rolled out of the way.

Van Dam came back with the Rolling Thunder to a big pop.   He went to the top but Rhino shoved him off to the floor.  Rhino brought a table into the ring.  He ducked a spinkick and nailed RVD with a belly to belly suplex.  Rhino drilled him with a DDT for a three count.  Rhino placed a table in the cornee.  He grabbed RVD for a powerbomb but RVD escaped and nailed a series of kicks.

RVD was caught in a spinebuster.  Rhino set up for the Gore through the table but was kicked by RVD.  Rhino was sent into the table but it didn’t break.  He was sent in again but this time, it crached.  It was a THICK table.  RVD nailed a Five Star Frog Splash and scored the pin.

Your winner, RVD!

Fun old school main event.

RVD and Rhino embraced after.  Out came The Sandman for his grand entrance.  He made it to the ring and hugged RVD.  They drank a few beers as “Enter Sandman” played.  They offered Rhino a beer.  Tommy Dreamer made his way to the ring.   Rhino took the mic and said Sandman was the toughest man he’s ever been in the ring with and said that Sandman took him to the next level and allowed him to have a future in the business and go on to work to younger talents in NXT and TNA.  He said he gave up alcohol seven years ago in order to be better for the fans.  He apologized to a fan he was giving static to earlier, saying he was just playing heel.  He thanked RVD and Sandman and said, “They say I can’t cut a promo, so for everyone who said that, suck a fat d***.”  The crowd chanted that.  Oh Philly.

Dreamer took the mic and said these were his brothers and so were the fans.  He thanked them and said they would return in September.  He announced they would be running monthly in markets across the United States.

They played “Big Balls” to close out the show.