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House of Hardcore 13 Philly Results: RVD vs Rhino, Ricky Steamboat, Sandman Appears, Billy Gunn In-Action, Tommy Dreamer & More

Bull James vs. Billy Gunn

The story early was that Gunn was using his speed to try and tire out James.  James wiped him out with a big shoulderblock.   They ended up fighting on the floor.  When they returned to the ring, Gunn tried to come off the ropes but was kicked.   Dempsey nailed a series of clotheslines and kicked off Gunn as he charged in the corner.    He went for the Doink Drop but Gunn moved out of the way.  Gunn went for the Pedigree but Dempsey broke free and tackled him down.  James went for a flying bodypress but Gunn rolled out of the way and nailed the Famouser for the pin.

Your winner, Billy Gunn!

Gunn took the mic and said he was a little blown up right now.  He said he had the honor to Coach “this awesome kid” James.  He invited him to do the “Suck It” routine but Kevin Thorne, yes Kevin Thorne, hit the ring and laid them out.  Sean Waltman hit the ring for the save to a BIG pop and laid out Thorne.  Gunn went ahead with the “Suck It” routine with all three doing it with him.

Alex Reynolds vs. Tony Nese vs. Chris Dickinson

Lots of really frenetic great wrestling early on with some great three-way exchanges.   Some great dives early on too.  Nese hit a Backlund Bridge on Reynolds as he hit a Fall Away Slam on Dickinson.   Dickinson gained control and chopped away at Reynolds in the corner.  Reynolds made a comeback and drilled Dickinson in the ropes.  Nese returned and drilled away with kicks and suplexes.

Dicksinson and Reynolds battled back and forth.  Dickinson went for a running Razor’s Edge into a corner.   He nailed a DVDR variation on Nese.  Nese came back with a Side Russian Legsweep.  Reynolds used a crossface but Dickinson got to the ropes.  Nese went to the top but Reynolds knocked him off.   Dickinson nailed a top rope rana on Reynolds.  Nese came off with a 450 splash and stole the pin.  Reynolds was eliminated.

Nese drilled Dickinson and scored the pin.

Your winner, Tony Nese!

Too much to recap here but the usual all out great athletic bout you’d expect with some scary dives and some rough bumps.  Really good physical match.

Pepper Parks came out with Cherry Bomb and his bodyguard TJ Marconi.  She introduced herself and then her husband.  She explained that Marconi was their bodyguard.

Pepper Parks vs. Tommy Dreamer

They had a nice back and forth match early.  Dreamer did Balls’ old punching spots to honor him.  Cherry tried to trip Dreamer as he rebounded off the ropes.  The crowd chanted, “She’s got herpes.”  Dreamer took the mic and said her mom used to come here and banged Balls and got herpes.  The place popped.   He then said he brought a friend to help him and introduced Mickie James, who came to ringside.

Dreamer was cut off by Parks, who worked him over.  He sent Dreamer into the ropes and nailed him with a right hand.  Dreamer was worked over.  Parks came off the ropes with a back senton splash.     Parks charged him in the corner but Dreamer kicked him off.  Dreamer nailed a neckbreaker.  Bomb tried to interfere but Mickie chased her around the ring.  They went into the ring, where Parks helped take out James.  The crowd booed him.  Dreamer and James used stereo testicular claws.

Dreamer drilled Parks and went for the pin but Marconi pulled the referee out.  Dreamer nailed a sliding kick to the outside.  James dove off the apron onto Bomb.  In the chaos, Parks rolled up Dreamer and hooked the tights, scoring the pin.

Your wnner, Pepper Parks!

Thus far, a pretty good show.

We are at intermission.

They announced a 9/17 return here with tickets already on sale.

Brian Cage vs. Sami Callihan

A bigtime war of attrition here with all sorts of insane new spots.  Callihan took Cage to the floor early with a flying clothesline and nailed him with a stop sign on the outside.  He dove at Cage who caught him in a suplex position.  Cage nailed a powerbomb into the ringpost.

Back in the ring, Callihan made a comeback and nailed a Bootscrape.  He went for another but Cage pounced.  Callihan avoided it and nailed a kick.  Cage nailed him with a face first electric chair.  He was working over Sami on the ropes with punches when Sami slipped underneath and superkicked him in the back of the leg.

They battled back and forth.  Cage nailed a powerbomb in rhe corner and then hit a Razor’s Edge, twisting Sami as he slammed him down. 

Your winner, Brian Cage!

Real good match with lots of innovative spots.