Photo courtesy of the El Rey Network

Lucha Underground Results (4/13) – Daga Debuts, Cage & Mundo Join Forces ?, Cueto Stirs The Pot

First Match: Argenis vs. Killshot 

Killshot prays before the bell rings. Killshot with a running corner dropkick to Argenis. Killshot with multiple knife edge chops. Killshot connects with the back breaker for a two count. Argenis with a boot to the face of Killshot. Argenis kicks Killshot in the ass. Argenis with a pinwheel armdrag. Argenis goes for a flying crossbody, but Killshot sends him to the top rope. Argenis lands a big palm strike to Killshot. Killshot with a high kick that sends Argenis to the outside.

Killshot connects with a moonsault to Argenis on the outside. Killshot with a rolling thunder cutter to Argenis for a two count. Killshot sends Argenis to the outside. Argenis launches Killshot to the ring apron. Argenis with a top rope armdrag to Killshot for a two count. Argenis with a knife edge chop. Argenis ascends to the top rope. Argenis goes for a hurricanrana, but Killshot catches him in mid-air and connects with the corkscrew brain buster. Killshot with a boot to the jaw of Argenis. Killshot connects with the Double Foot Stomp. Killshot with the Revolution Brain Buster to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Killshot