Lucha Underground Results (3/23) – Major Return and Rey Mysterio Makes His Debut, Who Survived Aztec Warfare?

Aerostar and Black exchange back and forth right hands. Azteca with flying crossbody to Aerostar and Black. Azteca with a enziguri that sends Black to the outside. Azteca drops Mack with a springboard hurricanrana. Azteca with a Swanton Bomb over the top rope onto Mack on the outside. El Texano is our next entrant. Texano clears the ring with his bullrope. Texano connects with a plancha onto everybody on the outside. Black with a double knee stomp off the top rope to the back of Texano fro a two count. Texano kicks Black in the gut. Texano drops Black with a powerbomb. Black is eliminated. Texano goes after Mysterio. Texano with a forearm to Mysterio. Mil Muertes is our last entrant. Pentagon Jr. comes out from the crowd with a steel chair. Pentagon attacks Muertes in the back with the steel chair which causes Muertes to fall down the steps. Pentagon proceeds to destroy Muertes with the steel chair. Pentagon rolls Muertes into the ring. Mysterio with a frog splash to Muertes. Mysterio and Puma get on top of each other to help eliminate Muertes.

Catrina yells at Vampiro. Catrina slaps Vampiro in the face. Dairo Cueto comes back. Cueto announces that we will have our last entrant and it’s his brother Matanza Cueto. All the luchadors begin to attack Matanza. Matanza drops Fenix with a stunner. Fenix is now eliminated. The Mack with a stunner to Matanza, but he stands still. Matanza with a german suplex to eliminate The Mack. Aerostar goes for a springboard back elbow, but Matanza counters with a forearm to the back of Aerostar’s head. Mantaza with a german suplex and Aerostar is eliminated. Texano wraps the rope around Matanza neck, but Matanza counters with a hip toss. Matanza drops Texano with a powerbomb. Texano is eliminated. Matanza goes after Ryan. Matanza rolls Ryan back into the ring. Matanza with a triple gutwrench suplex to Ryan. Ryan is now eliminated. Mysterio are directing traffic. Guerrero rolls Azteca into the ring. Guerrero sends Mysterio back first to the barricade. Azteca with rapid fire kicks and forearms to Matanza. Azteca with a dropkick to Matanza. Azteca goes for the Electric Chair, but Matanza counters with a swinging chokeslam. Azteca Jr is eliminated. 

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