Lucha Underground Results (3/23) – Major Return and Rey Mysterio Makes His Debut, Who Survived Aztec Warfare?

Evans goes for a cartwheel moonsault to the outside, but Drago ducks out of the way. Cage rolls Sagrada back into the ring. Drago spits the green mist in the face of Ryan. Drago sends Ryan into the crowd. Sagrada with a Tornado DDT to Martinez. Mysterio with the West Coast Pop and Martinez is eliminated. Drago with a back body drop that sends Evans over the barricade in the crowd onto the mats at ringside. Cage with a uppercut to Puma. The Mack is our next entrant. Mack drops Martinez with a Stunner. Drago sends Evans down a flight of stairs. Mack and Cage have a huge stare off.  Mack with a running knee to Cage. Mack drops Cage with a Stunner. Cage rolls to the outside. Fenix sends Sagrada onto Ryan. Chavo Guerrero is our next entrant. Valkyrie puts the boots to Sagrada while Puma and Fenix are double teaming Ryan on the outside. Drago powerbombs Evans on the platform where the fans are sitting at. Cage throws Valkyrie into the ring. Guerrero begins mount on Sagrada. Cage with a back suplex to Mysterio. 

Guerrero gets Sagrada in the Camel Clutch and Sagrada taps out. Sagrada is now eliminated. Cage goes for the Weapon X, but Mysterio sends Cage to the middle rope. Mysterio goes for the 619, but Valkyrie lowers the middle rope which sends Mysterio crashing down to the mat. Mundo reappears with a cinder block. Mundo whacks Cage in the face with the Cinder Block. Valkyrie picks up the pieces and eliminates Cage. Fenix with a german suplex to Valkyrie. Valkyrie is now eliminated. PJ Black is our next entrant. Puma with a side kick to Fenix. Black drops Drago with a suplex onto the seats. Evans and Black double team Drago. Drago with another back body drop to Evans. Drago sends Black face first to the steel ring post. Evans is busted open.Aerostar is our next entrant. Aerostar with a springboard dropkick to Evans and Black. Aerostar kicks Black in the gut. Evans with a back elbow to Aerostar. Aerostar with a Canadian Destroyer off the top to Evans. Drago goes for a tilt-a-whirl DDT, but Black counters with a suplex. Drago and Evans are now eliminated. Dragon Azteca Jr is our next entrant. 

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