Lucha Underground Results (3/23) – Major Return and Rey Mysterio Makes His Debut, Who Survived Aztec Warfare?

Mundo with right rapid fire right hands to Puma on the outside. Jack Evans is our next entrant. Mysterio with a leg drop off the top rope to Cuerno. Mysterio gets Cuerno in the Cross Armbreaker and Cuerno taps out. Cuerno is now eliminated. Mysterio, Fenix and Puma triple team Mundo in the middle of the ring. Evans misses on a springboard crossbody. Mundo stomps on Evans chest. Puma sends Mundo to the outside. Mysterio with a superfly splash to Evans. Mundo and Evans talk strategy. Taya Valkyrie is our next entrant.Evans, Mundo and Valkyrie have a stare off with Fenix, Mysterio and Puma. Evans lowers the top rope and Puma is sent to the outside. Evans and Valkyrie double teams Mysterio. Brian Cage is our next entrant. Cage with a shoulder tackle to Mundo. Cage clothesline Valkyrie. Evans goes for a dropkick, but Cage stands still. 

Cage drops Evans with a massive clothesline. Cage launches Evans to the other side of the ring. Cage goes to powerbomb Mundo on the ring apron. Cage bodyslams Valkyrie on the outside. Mundo with a enziguri to Cage off the ring apron. Mundo sends Cage face first to Catrina’s office and glass breaks. Mascarita Sagrada is our next entrant. Fenix with right hands to Evans. Sagrada with a hurricanrana to Fenix. Sagrada goes for a suicide dive, but Mundo catches him in mid-air. Cage reappears from the office. Cage drops Mundo with a Stan Hansen like Lariat. Cage with a Weapon X to Mundo on the outside. Cage rolls Mundo back into the ring. Puma with a standing moonsault to Mundo. Puma goes for the pin and Mundo is eliminated. Evans with a springboard dropkick to Puma. Cage drops Valkyrie back first to the ring apron. Marty The Moth Martinez is our next entrant. Martinez with a clothesline. Martinez drops Puma with the Bicycle Kick. Martinez with a shoulder tackle that knocks Cage off the ring apron. Valkyrie with a Tornado DDT off the ring apron to Cage. Sagrada slaps Martinez in the chest. Martinez drops Sagrada with a big boot. Evans with a spinning side kick to Martinez. Evans is sent to the outside. Drago is our next entrant. 

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