Lucha Underground Results (3/23) – Major Return and Rey Mysterio Makes His Debut, Who Survived Aztec Warfare?

First Match: Aztec Warfare Match for the Lucha Underground Championship 

Fenix starts off the match with Rey Mysterio. Fenix and Mysterio shakes hands. Mysterio with a waist lock to Fenix. Mysterio with a tilt-a-whirl hurricanrana to Fenix. Mysterio with a drop toe hold. Mysterio goes for the 619 and Fenix counters with a superkick. Mysterio Fenix with a springboard handstand inside out armdrag to Mysterio for a one count. Mysterio kicks Fenix in the gut. Fenix kicks Mysterio in the his midsection. Out comes King Cuerno. Cuerno with right hands to Mysterio and Fenix. Mysterio with a boot the face of Cuerno. Cuerno drops Mysterio with a flapjack. Cuerno drops Fenix with a suicide dive. Mysterio with a dropkick that sends Cuerno to the outside. Argenis is our next entrant. Argenis with a springboard hurricanrana to Fenix. Fenix with a side kick to Argenis. Fenix goes for a springboard crossbody, but Argenis counters with a superkick. Argenis with a side kick to Mysterio for a two count. Mysterio with the 619 to Argenis. Mysterio connects with a frog splash and Argenis is eliminated. 

Fenix with a dropkick that knocks Cuerno off the ring apron. Fenix with a springboard corkscrew splash to Cuerno on the outside. Johnny Mundo is our next entrant. Mundo and Mysterio has a stare off. Mundo with a series of right hands to Mysterio. Mundo with a uppercut. Mundo sends Mysterio to the top rope. Mundo with a enziguri that sends Mysterio to the outside. Fenix with a flying boot to the face of Mundo. Mundo and Fenix exchange pin attempts for a two count. Joey Ryan is our next entrant. Fenix with a side kick to Mundo for a two count. Ryan handcuffs himself on the steel guard rail in the crowd. Mundo drops Mysterio to the chest of Fenix for a two count. Cuerno with a superkick to Ryan. Prince Puma is our next entrant.Puma with a enziguri to Mundo. Puma with a flying clothesline to Fenix. Cuerno kicks Puma in the gut. Puma drops Cuerno with a flying ace crusher. Puma with a springboard moonsault onto Cuerno, Mundo and Fenix on the outside. Puma goes for a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Cuerno counters with a hurricanrana. 

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