Rikishi On The Usos Success, Vince’s Sika Promo, His Big Hell In A Cell Fall, The Dudleyz Calling Him Out, More

On his sons The Usos success in WWE:

Rikishi: I always say this, and this doesn’t apply only to my sons it applies to everybody who is trying to come up in the industry, storylines are storylines and creative control is creative control. The one thing storylines and creative control don’t have in charge is when you step in to that squared circle. Jimmy & Jey, Jonathan & Joshua, they work very hard. They went through the moves and got out there and the thought of being accepted, “Are we good enough?” Or, “Do the fans like us?” Or, “What are we missing?” All of that comes in to play. You can only find that as you grow in there. You gotta keep putting in work and keep finding those house shows when TV matches are not being taped. You are going to come through with stuff to where you find, “Ok, that works.” Then you apply that to TV on Monday Night RAW when people are watching live. The WWE Universe, they are not stupid. Either they like you or they don’t like you and they pretty much call the shots nowadays. With Jimmy & Jey, they’ve worked so hard and they’ve become fan favorites. Only because the fans they see they’re passionate. How much work that they are putting in there. I think when they changed up, change is good. Every now and then you need to change it up. Maybe add paint to your face. I love the entrance. The entrance top to bottom was kind of marinated together.

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On Vince McMahon’s recent controversial promo on RAW where he invoked Sika’s name:

Rikishi: Vince is going to do what he’s gotta do and say what he’s gotta say for ratings. I think, hey, the storyline it is what is what they are talking about. In real life I don’t think that really happened. I just want to say this to everybody out there: If you know Samoans, we were Samoans before we were wrestlers. If this had been a shoot type of comment I think you’d see a whole bunch of Samoans up in that arena when Vince mentioned that to Roman. 

Rikishi’s comments about his big fall from the top of the Hell in a Cell at Armageddon 2000 and his recent Twitter exchanges with Devon Dudley can be found on the next page.