Lucha Underground Results (2/24) – Mundo vs Cage, Texano Runs The Gauntlet, Catrina Warns Pentagon Jr

We see a vignette for Famous B. You call him at 423-Get-Fame. Famous B says that he can help you get spotlight and become famous. 

Second Match: King Cuerno vs. Killshot 

Killshot with a enziguri to Cuerno. Killshot with a springboard dropkick that sends Cuerno to the outside. Killshot with a corkscrew plancha to the outside. Killshot and Cuerno exchange back and forth forearms. Killshot sends Cuerno back first to the ring apron then connects with a running boot. Cuerno with a superkick to Killshot. Cuerno with the Arrow from the Depths of Hell to Cuerno. Cuerno rolls Killshot back into the ring. Cuerno with a running dropkick. Killshot sends Cuerno to the ring apron. Cuerno with a enziguri. Killshot tries to superplex Cuerno from the ring apron.

Cuerno and Killshot battle on the ring apron. Killshot armdrags Cuerno to the outside. Both luchadors get back into the ring at the count of nine. Cuerno chops Killshot in the chest. Killshot with a big boot to Cuerno. Cuerno with a spinning heel kick to Killshot. Killshot goes for a springboard moonsault, Cuerno counters with a side kick. Killshot with the Swerve Stomp to Cuerno. Killshot misses on the 450 splash. Cuerno connects with the Thrill of The Hunt to pickup the victory. After the match Cuerno gives the boots to Killshot. Cuerno goes for a Spinning Cradle Kneeling Reverse Piledriver, but out comes Fenix to make the save. Cuerno rolls out of the ring and he and Fenix have a stare off. 

Winner: King Cuerno 


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