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Flashback: 2016 WWE Fastlane Results: Who is The Number One Contender?, Styles vs Jericho, Owens Retains and More!

“The Cutting Edge Peep Show” with Special Guests The New Day:

Edge says that it’s good to be back home in front of the fans in a WWE ring. Christian talks about some history in Cleveland but he’s interrupted by WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day. Xavier Woods, Big E and Kofi Kingston talk as they enter the ring and meet Edge and Christian in the middle. Big E says that Lebooty James will never win a NBA Championship in Cleveland. The New Day poke fun at every single tag team in the tag team division. The New Day talk about being the best.

They’re interrupted by The League of Nations – King Barrett, Sheamus, Alberto Del Rio and Rusev. Woods says they would love to fight The League but it’s their day of rest. The New Day leaves. Barrett threatens Edge and Christian with a Bullhammer. Sheamus also threatens them. Del Rio gets in Edge’s face and takes credit for forcing Edge to retire. Edge and Christian leave the ring and walk to the back, stopping in front of The New Day. Edge says they were going to do a 5 Second Pose but that’s on The League now. Edge introduces them as The International House of Dumbasses. The New Day begins to twerk and play the trombone.

Fifth Match: R-Truth vs. Curtis Axel w/The Social Outcasts

Slater and Rose get on the apron at one point, causing a distraction. Bo pushes Truth off the top as the referee deals with the other two. Rose, Bo and Slater run a victory lap around the ring as fans cheer and Axel gives them a thumbs up. Goldust makes his way out and trips Axel as Truth whips him into the ropes. Slater charges at ringside but Goldust ends him into the barrier. Goldust rolls Rose into the ring as he charges. This leads to Axel getting the roll up on Truth for the win.  After the match, Goldust comes in and apologizes for accidentally costing Truth the match. Truth isn’t happy and leaves.

Winner: Curtis Axel