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Flashback: 2016 WWE Fastlane Results: Who is The Number One Contender?, Styles vs Jericho, Owens Retains and More!

Third Match: The Wyatt Family vs. Big Show, Ryback and Kane 

Ryback and Rowan start off the match. Rowan with boots to the midsection of Ryback. Rowan with a side headlock. Ryback drives his shoulder to the midsection of Rowan. Ryback with a series of right hands to Rowan. Ryback with a flying dropkick for a one count. Ryback tags in Big Show. Big Show drives Rowan head face first off the top turnbuckle. Big Show chops Rowan in the chest. Big Show with a right hand to the ribs of Rowan. Big Show tags in Ryback. Ryback with a series of right hand. Rowan with a back elbow and tags in Harper. Harper with a dropkick to Ryback. Harper tags in Strowman. Strowman drives his shoulders to the midsection of Ryback. Strowman tags in Rowan. Ryback with a snap suplex to Rowan. Ryback tags in Kane. Kane with a DDT to Rowan. Kane with a bodyslam and a dropkick for a two count. Kane with a corner clothesline to Rowan. Kane with a big boot. Kane knocks Harper off the ring apron. Kane sends Rowan to the outside. Kane with a boot to Strowman.

Strowman knocks Kane off the ring apron with a boot. Strowman sends Kane shoulder first to the steel ring post. Strowman with a clubbing blow to back of Kane. Strowman tags in Harper. Kane with a uppercut to Kane. Harper with a chin lock. Harper tags in Strowman. Kane with a back elbow to Strowman. Kane sends Strowman to the outside. Ryback and Harper are tagged in. Ryback with multiple shoulder tackles. Ryback with flying corner knees to Harper. Ryback with four bodyslams. Ryback with a running powerslam for a two count as Rowan breaks the pin attempt. Kane with a chokeslam to Rowan. Strowman runs through Kane. Big Show sends Strowman over the top rope. Big Show press Harper in the air and sends him to Rowan and Kane on the outside. Big Show with a spear to Strowman on the outside. Ryback rolls Harper back into the ring. Ryback with the Meat Hook Clothesline to Harper. Bray distracts Ryback. Harper rolls Ryback up for a two count. Harper with a superkick to Ryback. Harper goes for a powerbomb, but Ryback powers out with the Shell Shock to pickup the victory.

Winner: Big Show, Kane and Ryback