wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (1/28) – The Wyatt’s Crash The Highlight Reel, AJ Styles SmackDown Debut

Second Match: Kalisto (c) vs. Neville for the WWE United States Championship 

Kalisto goes for a monkey flip, but Neville gets back on his feet. Kalisto with a handstand/head scissors takedown that sends Neville to the outside. Kalisto goes for a diving hurricanrana, but Neville catches him. Neville goes to drive Kalisto to the corner, but Kalisto counters with a hurricarana. Neville launches Kalisto to the ring apron. Kalisto goes for a springboard dropkick, but Neville counters with a sitout-powerbomb for a two count.

Neville with a big boot to the face of Neville. Kalisto with kicks to Neville midsection. Neville regains momentum with a clothesline. Neville puts Kalisto on his shoulder and climbs up the ropes. Kalist with right hands to the back of Neville. Kalisto with a Frankensteiner off the top rope to Neville for a two count. Kalisto goes for the Salida Del Sol, but Neville counters with a enziguri. Neville goes for a deadlift german suplex and Kalisto rolls Neville up for a two count. Neville with another boot to the face of Kalisto. Neville goes for the deadlift german suplex and Kalisto counters with the Salida Del Sol to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Still WWE United States Champion Kalisto