Impact Wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (12/16) – Final Four Preview, Kurt Angle Promo, Two All-Star Matches

First Match: Crimson, Eli Drake, Micah and Jessie Godderz vs. DJ Zema Ion, Tigre Uno, Mandrews and Manik 

Drake and DJZ start off the match. Drake tags in Micah, but locking up with DJZ. Micah and DJZ lock up. Micah with a side headlock. DJZ with a flying dropkick to Micah. DJZ with a armdrag. DJZ locks in a armbar. DJZ tags in Mandrews. Micah with a wrist lock and tags in Godderz. Godderz taunts. Mandrews with a wrist lock to Goddderz. Mandrews with boots to the midsection of Gooderz. Godderz with a high knee to Mandrews ribs. Mandrews with a drop toe hold and tags in Manik. Manik with a flying elbow drop. Manik dropkicks Godderz. Manik tags in Uno. Uno with a enziguri to Godderz shoulder. Uno tags in Mandrews. Mandrews with a flying elbow drop to Godderz wrist. DJZ blocks a suplex attempt from Godderz. Group X-Division gives Godderz and Micah a triple team suplex. Uno with a plancha to Crimson and Drake to the outside. Micah with a flying crossbody to the outside. Godderz with a clothesline to Mandrews. 

Godderz goes to dive over the top rope and decides to pause and flex in the middle of the ring. Manik with a dropkick to the back of Godderz that sends him to the outside. Manik with a flying crossbody to Group Future Four on the outside. Drake knocks Mandrews off the top rope. Drake with right hands to Mandrews. Drake with a suplex for a two count. Drake tags in Crimson. Crimson tags in Godderz to double team Mandrews. Godderz and Drake exchange rapid fire tags. Crimson with a chokeslam to Mandrews. Drake tags himself in again. Drake and Crimson argue in the ring. Mandrews tags in Uno. Uno with a dropkick to Drake. Uno goes for a springboard moonsault, but Drake catches Uno mid-air and plants him on the mat. Drake goes to tag Crimson, Godderz and Michah, but unfortunately all three men hop off the ring arpon and walk away. Drake tries to run away, but Godderz, Crimson and Micah roll Drake back into the ring. DJZ with a DDT to Drake, Uno with a running dropkick and Mandrews with a 450 Splash to pickup the victory.

Winner: DJ Zema Ion, Tigre Uno, Manik and Mandrews