Based on the calvacade of comments I received over the past two weeks beginning with the words “Did you hear what Ric Flair said about you” or headlines reading “Flair critical of Foley” – complete with thoughtful links, to make the criticism so much easier to find – thought I would eventually have to respond. But then I clicked onto one of those helpful links and read Ric’s actual words. There’s no story here. No controversy. Ric’s criticism of me was mild at worst. Besides he’s Ric Flair. He’s pretty much earned the right to speak his mind about anything he wants in the wrestling world.
I had the right to criticize WWE, which I did…
Ric Flair had the right to criticize my criticism of WWE, which he did…
But when we get to a point where I start criticizing Ric Flair’s criticism of me criticizing the WWE, the whole thing starts to sound pretty silly, doesn’t it?
So let’s not go there.
Instead of addressing a situation that isn’t actually there, let me share a little Foley-Flair story with you: following the Natalya vs Charlotte WWE NXT match at NXT Takeover on May 29th, 2014 – the match I still consider to be THE game-changer in #WomensWrestling in WWE – I spent several hours (more hours than any writing project I’ve done in the last three years) trying to express just how meaningful that match had been. I received a message from Charlotte telling me how much she appreciated my words, and I wrote back “You know, your dad and I might not agree on much…but we both believe in you.”