Impact Wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (12/9) Quarter-Final Action In The World Title Series, Dixie Carter Interview

Jessie Godderz Promo: 

Godderz says that Matt Hardy is the reason why we have the TNA World Title Series. Godderz says that this is a opportunity for him to show everybody what he’s capabale of. Godderz says that the Future Four couldn’t get in the way of the man. Awesome Kong was out smarted by the man. Godderz says that Hardy’s dream will come to a end by the Adonis. 

Second Match: Tigre Uno vs. Eric Young in a Quarter-Finals Match in the TNA World Title Series 

Young tells Uno to listen to the words that are coming out of his mouth. Young is going to the next round of tournament no matter what. Young’s next step back is off Uno back. Young tells Uno that he doesn’t want to be in the ring with Young when the bell rings. Young tells Uno to leave. Young calls Uno a coward. Uno with a springboard dropkick that sends Young to the outside. Uno with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Uno with a hurricanrana to Young for a two count. Young taunts Uno. Uno with a chop to Young. Young with a side slam to Uno for a two count. Young with right hands to the back of Uno. Young shoves his boot onto Uno’s back.

Young with a back breaker for a two count. Young stomps on Uno chest. Young with a side headlock. Young with a shoulder tackle for a two count. Young applies pressure to Uno’s neck. Young continues to ground Uno. Uno goes for a springboard armdrag, but Young trips Uno on the top rope. Young irish whips Uno to the outside. Young with a big forearm and taunts the crowd. Young rolls Uno back into the ring for a two count. Young with a claw to Uno. Young with a knee drop for a two count. Young bodyslams Uno. Young goes for the moonsault, but Uno rolls out of the way. Uno with a hurricanrana off the steel ring steps. Uno with a leg drop off the top rope. Uno with a hurricanrana off the top rope to Young for a two count. Young with a powerbomb to Uno for a two count. Young connects with the Piledriver to pick up the victory. 

Winner: Eric Young Advances To The Semi-Finals 

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