Third Match: Ryback, Lucha Dragons and The Usos vs. The New Day, Sheamus & Wade Barrett in a Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match
Woods and Jimmy start off the match. Woods tries to back up from Jimmy. Jimmy with a wrist lock to Woods. Woods with a forearm to Jimmy. Jimmy with a uppercut to Woods and is grabbing his hair. Jimmy drags Woods to the corner and tags in Jey. Usos go for the double team superkick and Woods gets out of the way and tags in Kofi. The Usos tag in Sin Cara. Sin Cara with a splash to Kofi. Sin Cara with a back suplex. Kofi tags in Sheamus. Sin Cara with a sunset flip for a two count. Sin Cara sends Sheamus to the outside. Sin Cara with a enizguri. Sin Cara sends Woods and Kofi to the outside. The Usos & Lucha Dragons with suicide dives off the top rope. Ryback with a dive off the top rope to everybody on the outside. Barrett knocks Jey off the top rope. Sheamus goes for the pin and gets a two count. Barrett is tagged in. Barrett with clubbing blows to the back of Jey. Barrett with a kick to the mid section. Barrett tags in Sheamus. Sheamus with right hands and tags in Big E.
The New Day begin their unicorn stomps. Sheamus & Barrett with a double team back elbows. Sheamus with a bodyslam to Jey. Sheamus tags in Kofi and Kofi gets a two count. Jey with a kick to the head of Kofi. Jey tags in Jimmy. Jimmy with a uppercut to Woods. Jimmy goes for the stinkface, but knocks Barrett of the ring apron. Woods with a dropkick and tags in Barrett. Jimmy tags in Sin Cara. Sin Cara with a moonsault to Barrett. Barrett is eliminated. Sin Cara tags in Kalisto. Kalisto with a wrist lock to Kofi. Kalisto tags in Jimmy. Jimmy works on the shoulder of Kofi. Kofi with a big boot to Jimmy. New Day connects with a double foot stomp to Jimmy. Jimmy is eliminated. Sin Cara with a springboard moonsault to Woods for a two count. Woods tags in Big E. Sin Cara with a enizguri to Woods. Big E spears Sin Cara to the outside. Big E tags in Sheamus. Sheamus with a Brouge Kick to Sin Cara. Sin Cara is eliminated. Sheamus & Big E argue. Ryback knocks Sheamus over the top rope. Ryback with a Meat Hook Clothesline. Ryback tags in Kalisto. Kalisto with a hurricanrana to Big E. Kalisto tags in Jey. Jey with a Uso Splash off the top rope. Big E is eliminated.