wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (11/5) – Ambrose vs Owens, Traditional Survivor Series Match, Who’s The Leader of Team Bad?

Second Match: The Usos vs. The Ascension 

Jimmy and Viktor start off the match. Viktor with a shoulder lock to Jimmy. Jimmy with a side headlock. They runs the ropes and Jimmy Dances. Jimmy with a uppercut to Viktor. Jimmy knocks Konnor off the ring apron. Viktor sends Jimmy over the top rope. Konnor with a big boot to Jimmy. Konnor rolls Jimmy back into the ring and Viktor gets a one count. Viktor tags in Konnor. Konnor with a headlock to Jimmy. Konnor with a knee to Jimmy’s back for a one count. Konnor with a side headlock. Jimmy connects with the enziguri. Jey and Viktor are tagged in. Jey with two shoulder tackles and a uppercut to Viktor. He connects with the Samoan Drop. Jey Uso with the running stinkface to Viktor. Jimmy with a superkick to Konnor who rolls out of the ring. The Usos with a double superkick to Viktor. Jey with the Uso Splash off the top rope to pickup the victory. 

Winner: The Usos 

Third Match: The Wyatt Family vs. The Prime Time Players & The Lucha Dragons in a Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match 

Young and Rowan start off the match. Young with a forearm to Rowan. Rowan with a shoulder tackle to Young. Rowan tags in Harper. Young with a enziguri to Harper. Young tags in Titus. Titus with a suplex to Harper. Titus with a running elbow drop. Young tags himself in. Young with a neckbreaker for a one count. Harper with a superkick to Young. Harper tags in Bray. Bray sends Young to the corner and tags in Rowan. Rowan with a side headlock to Young. Rowan with a spinning heel kick to Young. Rowan tags in Harper. Harper with a uppercut to Young. Harper tags in Rowan. Rowan with a elbow drop. Rowan continues to overpower Young. Rowan tags in Bray. Bray with a clothesline to Young. Bray tags in Strowman. Young with a jaw breaker to Strowman. Strowman locks in his submission hold to Young who’s on the ring apron. Young faints and falls to the outside and gets countout. Strowman throws Titus to the barricade. Back from break and Rowan is mauling Titus. Rowan tags in Bray. Bray with a uppercut to Titus. Bray with a DDT to Titus for a one count. Bray tags in Harper. Harper chops Titus in the chest. Titus with right hands to Harper. Harper takes Titus down and tags in Bray. Titus with a running shoulder tackle.

Titus tags in Sin Cara. Sin Cara with a enziguri. Sin Cara with a hurricanrana. Sin Cara with a springboard moonsault to Harper and connects with the suicide dive to Rowan on the outside. Sin Cara with a DDT to Harper for a two count. Kalisto knocks Rowan off the ring apron. Harper with the clothesline to Sin Cara and Sin Cara gets eliminated. Harper tags in Rowan. Rowan with a back breaker to Kalisto. Kalisto with a DDT to Rowan. Kalisto sends Rowan over the top rope. Strowman and Harper knock Titus off the top rope. Strowman sends Titus to the barricade. Kalisto with a roll through kick to Harper. Harper tags in Rowan. Rowan with a full nelson slam and Kalisto is eliminated. Titus comes back to the ring and lands a series off right hands to Rowan. Titus with a shoulder tackle to Harper. Titus with a bodyslam to Harper. Titus with a bodyslam to Harper for a two count. Titus with the Clash of the Titus to Harper. Bray and Rowan storm into the ring and break up the pin attempt. Harper tags in Strowman. Titus with right hands to Strowman. Strowman with a clothesline to Titus. Strowman locks in his submission hold and Titus passes out. Bray is tagged in and connects with the Sister Abigail to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Wyatt Family (Survivors – Bray Wyatt, Erick Rowan, Luke Harper and Braun Strowman)