wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (10/22) – Tyler Breeze Debut, Kane Returns, Cesaro vs Rollins, Do You Believe Paige?

Third Match: Sheamus & King Barrett w/Rusev vs. The Lucha Dragons 

Sin Cara and Barrett start the match. Sin Cara with a chop to Barrett. Sin Cara with a springboard moonsault to Barrett. Sheamus tries to attack Sin Cara. Barrett knocks Sin Cara off the top rope. Sheamus is tagged in. Sheamus sends Sin Cara to the barricade. Sheamus with a running knee to Sin Cara chest. Sheamus plants Sin Cara for a two count. Sheamus tags in Barrett. Barrett puts Cara on the top rope and lands a series of clubbling blows to Sin Cara back. Barrett with a running knee to Sin Cara for a two count. Barrett with a headlock. Sin Cara with a enziguri to Barrett. Kalisto and Sheamus are tagged in. Kalisto with a kick to Sheamus. Kalisto with a springboard hurricanrana. Kalisto with a spikerana to Sheamus for a two count. Sin Cara goes for the suicide dive to the outside, but Rusev saves Barrett. Kalisto dives over the top rope to knock down Rusev. Barrett distracts Kalisto who’s on the ring apron. Sheamus with a Brouge Kick to Kalisto to pickup a victory. 

Winner: Sheamus & King Barrett 

Fourth Match: Bo Dallas vs. Ryback 

Bo brings up the John Cena US Open Challenge at Hell in a Cell and Bo accepts the challenge. Bo says that he’s doing this for his bomericans. Bo tries to sing the bonational anthem. Ryback with a shoulder tackle. Ryback with a bodyslam. Ryback with a clothesline. Bo with a jaw breaker to Ryback. Bo with a clothesline for a one count. Bo with a headlock. Ryback with the atomic drop to Bo. Ryback with the Meat Hook Clothesline. Ryback connects with Shell Shock to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Ryback 

Kevin Owens Backstage Promo: 

Renee Young ask Owens if he will change his strategy in his upcoming match at Hell in a Cell with the former Intercontinental Champion Ryback? Owens brings up all the good qualities of Ryback, but at the same time he’s the champion. Young says that arrogance can be a dangerous tool. Owens says that he’s better then Ryback. Owens says that as far as he’s the concern the Intercontinental Championship didn’t exist until he got it. Owens says that he’s going to turn Hell in a Cell into the Kevin Owens show. Owens says that he will walk into Sunday as  Intercontinental Champion and will leave as Intercontinental Champion.