Strowman and Reigns pace around the ring before locking up. Strowman tosses Reigns across the ring like a rag doll. Reigns with a go behind on Strowman, but Strowman elbows him in the face. Reigns goes on a punch/elbow flurry, before being picked up an driven into one corner, and then the other corner. Strowman traps Reigns in the corner and clotheslines Reigns. Reigns is in trouble. Reigns hits a stiff right hand, but Strowman shrugs it off and bodyslams Reigns.
Strowman locks in a nerve hold, shades of Haku. Reigns grabs Strowman’s beard to get out of if. Reigns hits multiple rights, lefts, kicks and clotheslines. Reigns hits the ropes and clotheslines Strowman. Reigns attempts a Samoan drop, but he can’t get Strowman up. Strowman runs over Reigns. Reigns rolls to the outside. Reigns traps Strowman in the ropes and hits the drive by. Reigns tries for another, but Reigns dives right into a sick clothesline by Strowman.
Strowman comes to the outside, but he eats a Superman punch. Harper comes over to help, but Reigns runs up the steel steps and Superman punches Harper. Reigns then turns around and does the same to Strowman, which sends Strowman careening over the announce table. Reigns rolls back in the ring as the referee counts to ten.
Winner- Roman Reigns.
After the match Wyatt lays on the bottom rope and says follow the buzzard. Reigns uppercuts Wyatt and walks away.