Former TMZ Producer Ryan Satin Talks Cena-Nikki-Ziggler Situation, Launching His Own Wrestling Site, Is Harvey Levin A Wrestling Fan? (Audio)

Ryan is promoting the launch of his new website that launched earlier today.

Below is an embedded audio player with Ryan’s interview as well as some transcribed quotes:

On whether it was a struggle to get TMZ to run more pro wrestling stories:

RS: In the beginning yes because I was so low on the totem pole of reporters there when I first started. TMZ always stresses their reporters to latch on to a nitch and own that market. When I realized I was the only wrestling fan there I started working on those stories. Yeah, there was a little bit of push back in the beginning because, you know, the “stigma” that has been placed on pro wrestling. After they started seeing a rise in traffic and all the exclusive stories and how well they would do for the website the pushback stopped instantly. From then it was just story after story for the past few years. 

On whether Harvey Levin is a pro wrestling fan:

RS: (Laughs) You know? He is more than I would have expected. He has a knowledge of lots of things. He’s a very knowledgable man on different things and he’s got a knowledge of everything. So, yeah, he definitely is aware of things involving pro wrestling. Yes, definitely. I wouldn’t say he is watching the Network or anything like that. He’s more about, “I know Macho Man wrestled Ricky Steamboat!” He’s definitely got a few tricks up his sleeve.

On why he launched his own wrestling website:

RS: Honestly, the reason I did it was mainly because after leaving TMZ I would be home and I was thinking about the next step…I was like, “Alright. I have all these sources. I have the support of the wrestling community, I think.” So, you know, I’ve been seeing tweets from people for the past year or so like, “There needs to be a new site that brings exclusive content for free.” I was just like, “You know what? This is the time to do it. It’s time to do it. I’m just going to launch and push the button.”

On what he likes about having his own website as opposed to working for TMZ:

On his thoughts regarding the drama surrounding John Cena, Nikki Bella & Dolph Ziggler:

RS: Dude! I am even pissed about that one because I watch Total Divas. I like Total Divas but now they’re blurring the lines too much and I’m like, “Wait. This can’t be real.” I’ve been so focused on the website that I haven’t had time to work on that. I will be looking in to this. It’s gotta all be for TV. This whole thing has to be for the show because that was filmed months ago I am guessing. The Dolph Ziggler thing. So, I dunno. Total Divas makes my head wanna explode like a fembot.

In the full interview Ryan talks with Nick about starting his own wrestling news site (, what he likes and doesn’t like about the current pro wrestling journalism landscape, whether or not his former boss Harvey Levin is a wrestling fan, what he learned about journalism while working for Levin at TMZ, what is going on with the CenaNikkiZiggler love triangle, more

The full interview can be found by clicking HERE or by listening to the show in the embedded player at the top of the post.

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