Hulk Hogan Appearing on Ric Flair’s Podcast Today, Steve Austin Boycotting WrestleMania 32 if Top Name Is Not Inducted into HOF?

Hogan Appearing on Ric Flair Podcast

Hulk Hogan noted on Twitter that he will be appearing on Ric Flair’s “Wooooo! Nation” podcast this afternoon:

Really pumped to do Ric Flairs Woooo Podcast ,doing it at 2pm today,don’t know if it’s live or taped, it doesn’t matter,BROTHER. HH

Steve Austin Boycotting WrestleMania?

In related news, Michael “PS” Hayes appeared on a recent edition of Flair’s podcast and Flair had the following to say about Steve Austin potentially boycotting WrestleMania 32 if Hayes is not inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame that weekend:

“If he’s [Hayes] not inducted this year into the Hall of Fame, as a single, which he should have been in 2011 [at WrestleMania 27 from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta], but in Dallas [Texas], with so much that be brought to the Von Erich family with the Freebirds, Steve Austin quoted, I’m quoting Steve Austin, will not attend WrestleMania.”


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