WWE MSG Live Special Results (10/3): Cena Retains In A Physical Steel Cage Match, Demon Kane Appears, Big Show Goes To Suplex City

Kane Backstage Interview: 

Renee Young ask Kane how his leg doing. Kane said that his leg feels good. Kane said that he looks at challenges like this as a positive. Kane said that he came here for one thing to torment Seth Rollins and to watch his Steel Cage Match with John Cena. Kane said that he saw Rollins in his locker room and Rollins seemed nervous. Kane said that Rollins has nervous energy. Kane said that despite his pain he couldn’t missed this event from the World Most Famous Arena Madison Square Garden. Kane said that he would hobble to help Rollins in the case if he starts running away inside Madison Square Garden. 

Second Match: Neville vs. Stardust 

Neville and Stardust lock up. Stardust knocks down Neville. Stardust is frustrated by Cody chants from the crowd. Neville with a leg kick. Neville whips Stardust to the corner. Neville with a crossbody to Stardust. Neville with a hurricanrana. Stardust regains control and stomps on Neville’s leg. Stardust with a side headlock. Neville with right hands and Stardust knocks him down. Stardust works on Neville back. Stardust with a shoulder tackle. Stardust with a right hand to Neville ribs.

Stardust drags Neville legs to the ring post. Neville counters with a kick which sends Stardust to the mat. Stardust goes for the Disaster Kick and Neville counters with a series of kicks. Neville with a springboard moonsault from the second rope onto Stardust on the outside. Neville goes for the Red Arrow and Stardust knocks him down. Stardust plants Neville for a two count. Stardust puts on Neville cape. Neville knocks him down and connects with the Red Arrow to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Neville 

Paul Heyman Backstage Promo: 

Heyman introduces himself. Heyman said that on behalf of his client Brock Lesnar he’s honored to be back home at the world greatest arena. Heyman said that if you can’t feel the energy from this arena you don’t belong here. Heyman said that the Big Show is coming into this arena as the Boston Celtics and Show thinks that Lesnar will be on defense. Heyman said that his hometown team is “The Beast” and he will be on offense. Heyman said that Show will be taking a trip to the City Hall of Suplex City. Heyman said that Show will be destroyed by the mayor of Suplex City Brock Lesnar.