impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/30) – Bound for Glory Announcement, Storm vs Sherra, Eric Young vs The World

Ethan Carter III & Dixie Carter Backstage Segment: 

EC3 tells Dixie that he’s going to destroy her golden boy. Dixie doesn’t understand why EC3 continues to act like this. EC3 said that he should be the face of the organization not him. EC3 tells Dixie just like he destroyed all the legends he’s going to destroy Galloway. EC3 tells Dixie that after the match he will end the career of Galloway and walks away.

First Match: James Storm vs. Mahabali Sherra in a No Disqualification Match 

Storm and Sherra exchange forearms. Sherra brings Storm back into the ring and Storm low blows Sherra. Storm with left hands. Storm chops Sherra. Sherra with right hands. Sherra with shoulder tackles. Sherra with a fallaway slam on Storm. Storm with a codebreaker to Sherra. Storm grabs a chair under the ring. Storm folds up two chairs in the ring. Storm puts Sherra on the top turnbuckle. Storm flings Sherra onto both chairs for a two count. Storm brings a table in the ring. Storm sets up the table. Storm goes for the powerbomb, but Sherra counters and both collide into each other.

Storm brings a bottle of beer in the ring. Storm spits the beer in Earl Hebner face. Sherra lands a spear, but no count with Hebner trying to regain his vision. Storm hits Sherra with the cowbell. Storm Irish Crosses Sherra through the table for a two count. Storm grabs a broken piece of glass from the beer bottle. Abyss and Manik come into the ring. Storm ask both Manik and Abyss what the hell are they doing here. Abyss with the Black Hole Slam and Manik with a Frogsplash. Sherra gets back up with the Sky High Spinebuster to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Mahabali Sherra

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