Dean Ambrose Talks Chemistry with Seth Rollins, Roddy Piper and Brian Pillman Comparisons, His In-Ring Preparation, Current WWE Talent & More

Why does he work so well with Seth Rollins

Our styles just meshed well. First time we ever wrestled was in FCW. We never crossed paths before. It was maybe one of the first times that people started to pay attention to what was going on in Developmental just from a wrestling standpoint. I had a certain following and he had kind of ran with a different crowd on the indy scene like Ring of Honor and it kind of was a clash of indy worlds happening in Developmental. It just clicked immediately. I felt that stuff that he did was complimenting the stuff that I did. The stretching and they physical stuff in the holds, it was such a phsyical style I was doing at the time and just kind of meshed with his and it was like peanut butter and jelly, like mixed perfectly together the stuff that we were doing. He is such a smart guy and visualizes and comes up with cool things and then you have just the way that I would like go off-the-cuff a lot of times, we could go out and wrestle thirty minuets and literally not talk at all before  hand, it just meshes well and then you know WWE styles still mesh and it’s hard to explain. There’s just that certain chemistry with people. He’s so good, its like anyone can have a good match with Seth Rollins and we kind of bring out the best in each other from a healthy competitive standpoint and all the great opponents always had that together like Ric Flair/Ricky Steamboat and Nick Bockwinkel/ Verne Gagne.

Is their any one specific WWE Superstar looking to bring down the house: 

I think all of the core group of guys right now, myself, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Cesaro, The Wyatts I think we all have that competitive chemistry with each other because we are kind of pushing each other and we are the guys kind of carrying the load right now as far as 300 nights a year. We are the guys who are counted on to tear the house down and wrestle 15-20 minuets on Raw each week  and I think that’s a real healthy thing across the board. 

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