Strictly from a philosophical point of view, in looking at the writing of this past Wednesday’s Jeff Jarrett/TNA angle, there was just so much left on the table by the TNA Creative team, that it just begs the question–“WHAT WERE YOU GUYS THINKING?!”The four major flaws of the story that I’m about to point out, can clearly be seen by any wrestling fan who understands the fundamentals of writing a solid, compelling, logical storyline. Seriously—I’m not pointing any of these things out because I’m Vince Russo, I’m pointing them out because they are BLINDING, and by the life of me I cannot understand how the entire TNA creative team missed them.1. TNA KAY-FABED THEMSELVES ON JARRETT’S RETURN
When you are in a situation where your back is against the wall, and you must deliver ratings to the network IMMEDIATELY, why, in the name of Argentina Rocca, would you hold Jeff Jarrett’s return to TNA BACK AS A SECRET?! This makes absolutely zero sense in the big scheme of things. If you know Jarrett is going to be on your show, and you want to draw an audience because of it, you have to use every outlet available to you to let the audience know that if they tune into IMPACT at 9pm est.–THAT THEY ARE GOING TO SEE THE RETURN OF JEFF JARRETT!!!Why—would you hold that back as a “surprise”, WHY? That doesn’t make sense to anybody. You need people to watch your show NOW, and the biggest bullet that you can possible put in your gun—-IS KEPT A SECRET? Seriously–are you kidding me?! Not only didn’t you tell your Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle, that Jarrett was going to be on the show—but you didn’t tell anyone else either! This is just about as elementary of a mistake that the company could have possibly made. Even if the Jarrett “surprise” was a last minute deal, you still had to think that it would have taken the Jarrett’s three hours to fly from Nashville to Orlando, which would have been plenty of time to get the word out through social media. Listen we all know how much Dixie Carter loves going on twitter, if she would have confirmed that Double J was going to be on the show, through the buzz alone she could have generated thousands of move viewers to the show. But—to tell NOBODY—again…WHY?