TNA Impact Wrestling Results (6/17): EC3 Vs. Lashley, James Storm and Magnus Get Personal and More!

impact wrestlingImpact Wrestling Results

By: Josh Isenberg

Impact starts with a video package from last week, focusing on Ethan Carter and Kurt Angle. Josh Mathews is on commentary with The Pope. Out comes EC3 and Tyrus, followed by Kurt Angle. EC3 talks about the first time he has been preparing for this moment, calling Kurt Angle the greatest wrestler that has ever lived. He runs down the list of men that Angle beat, using their catchphrases. He says they all have something in common, which is they have been beating. EC3 says he has not and says he is Kurt’s end of days. EC3 says the torch gets passed to him.

Angle says he has been here before and talks about the big fights. He says the big fights were made for him. He calls him talented, but a spoiled brat. Angle says he is still the greatest wrestler alive. He says Carter will have to look at himself in the mirror after he loses and it will haunt him for the rest of his life. Kurt Angle picks Lashley as Ethan Carter III’s opponent.

-Davey begins to talk about how Wolves Nation sacrificed everything to be the best tag team in the world. He talks about beating The BroMans, The Hardy’s and Team 3D. He brings up The Dirty Heels and that they are not looking for the easy way out. They want to know who the best wrestling team in the world, but the team lived up to their names. Eddie talks about wanting to start a war and says they want match four right here and right now.


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