TNA Impact Wrestling Results (6/17): EC3 Vs. Lashley, James Storm and Magnus Get Personal and More!

Magnus comes out and says he is going to crack heads and will not leave until he shows his face. A security team comes out and James Storm makes his way to the ring. Storm says he tried to tell everyone that he was the bad guy, but he calls Magnus the bad guy. He says Mickie was getting more attention from another man. He asks Magnus what he thinks she was doing when the cameras were not there.

James Storm says he needs to be careful, as be brings out a stroller with his son in it. He calls her a sorry excuse for a woman, and he is a sorry excuse for a man. Magnus gets a few shots in on Storm, but he is held back a few times. He punches through the security and looks at Storm. Storm throws the stroller off and a fake baby is revealed in it.

Lashley vs. Ethan Carter III

EC3 teases Lashley and heads to the ropes a few times to break the move. He pushes Lashley to the corner and gets thrown to the mat. EC3 hits Lashley in the, but Lashley fires back with a clothesline. Lashley hits a suplex, but Tyrus grabs his foot. EC3 gets reverses and Lashley hits another suplex. Tyrus stares at Lashley, giving EC3 a break. EC3 hits a dropkick between the ropes and then hits a missile dropkick. EC3 connects with a suplex on the outside, but both men get back into the ring to slow the pace.

EC3 tries to use a chair, but Earl takes it from him. Lashley builds momentum and connects with a Torture Rack. Lashley hits a powerslam and he kicks out at two. He hits a spinesbuster and Lashley is thinking spear. EC3 slides out of the way and Lashley rams into a chair. He hits a DDT and Lashley kicks out at two. The referee gets knocked out and Lashley hits a spear. Tyrus hits a big elbow and a new referee comes in. EC3 only gets a two count.  Tyrus takes out the other ref and hits his finisher onto Lashley. He drags EC3 and asks for another referee. Another two count and another referee gets taken out. Lashley spears Tyrus and hits Lashley with a chair. He hits the One Percenter and Earl makes the count for the win.

Winner: EC3