TNA Impact Wrestling Results (6/17): EC3 Vs. Lashley, James Storm and Magnus Get Personal and More!

Chris Melendez Calls out Eric Young

Christy Hemme interviews Melendez in the ring and says that Eric Young ripped his leg off, disrespecting himself and the country that he fought for. He says one leg will not stop him and wants Eric Young to get out here now.

Eric Young comes to the stage and calls him a hero. He says he volunteered to go to war for his country and says he paid the price at war. Young said he made a huge sacrifice and he cannot take that away from him. He calls him a hero and says that nobody can take that away from him. Young says that he does not care. He says he does not care about him, about the fans and about anybody. Young says he is calling the shots and that Melendez is at the top of the mountain, world class. He says Chris is all the way at the bottom. The match is made for next week.

Jesse Godderz vs. DJ Z

DJ Z hits a neckbreaker and a back elbow from the top rope. Jesse catches Z and hits a big powerbomb. He hits some forearms to his face and throws him into the corner. He locks in the Crab and DJ Z taps out.

After bashing the BroMans, Robbie E appears and attacks Jesse. They go back and forth and Jesse spills to the outside.

Winner: Jesse Godderz


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