TNA Impact Wrestling Results (6/17): EC3 Vs. Lashley, James Storm and Magnus Get Personal and More!

Bobby Roode says that they are not calling the shots tonight and talks about Austin Aries not being medically cleared to wrestle tonight. Roode says they will decide when the fourth match happens. He says the Dirty Heels call the shots. Edwards says Roode should come to the ring and have a match with one of them. He says no and turns around. He asks how bad do they want to wrestle him? He says they should make it a little more interesting. The winner of the singles match gets to pick the stipulation for match four. Eddie Edwards calls him to the ring and the match begins.

Bobby Roode vs. Eddie Edwards

Both men exchange blows to the stomach and Roode powers over the wolf. Eddie sends him to the outside and hits a Suicide Dive. He slaps him across the chest and throws him into the apron. Eddie continues the assault with a diving kick to Roode. Roode gets his feet up and knocks Edwards down. Roode continues to stomp and knee Eddie on the mat. Snapmare take down and a quick two count. Eddie hits some chops, but takes an elbow to the face. Edwards connects with a spin kick and both men get to their feet. Roode reverses it and Eddie counters. Another shot to the face and Edwards connects with a stunner from the top rope.

Roode kicks out at two once again, hitting a Spinebuster for two. Roode spits in his face and Aries comes out with a chair. Roode misses a chair and Edwards rolls him up for the win. Davey Richards says the next match will be Full Metal Mayhem.

Winner: Eddie Edwards

-Joseph Park appears and says this is his opportunity to get the spotlight. He talks about Bram calling out former TNA guys and will answer Bram’s challenge.