4/19 Wrestlezone Recap: Daniel Bryan Sent Home, Superstar Out 6 Months, Taz Leaves TNA, Fans Rush the Ring at Smackdown; This Week’s Wrestling News


Former WCCW, UWF and WCW wrestler and manager Missy Hyatt (who did a very short stint in WWF) was arrested recently for grand theft

Lucha Underground is preparing for their season finale, which was actually taped this weekend including some huge matches that will air in August. No update on season two, when it may return, but we’ve got the updated card for the two hour final show. 

Ring of Honor wrestler Cedric Alexander railed against the New Day faction in WWE for furthering stupid racial stereotypes. He’s not wrong. 

You can add Tommy Dreamer’s House of Hardcore promotion to the list of indie shows that have signed a television deal. 

Mark and Jay  Briscoe have signed a new two-year contract with Ring of Honor. They went back and forth between WWE and ROH and ultimately it was ROH who stepped up with more money that WWE didn’t want to match. 


Mick Foley will be taping one of his comedy specials at Full Sail University this week, which will air on the WWE Network at some point in the future. 


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