wwe fastlane

WWE Fastlane Results (2/22) – Sting/HHH Face Off, Wyatt Calls Out Undertaker, Bryan vs Reigns!

Goldust vs Stardust 

Goldust asks for a handshake but Stardust slaps his hand away, then Stardust hiptosses him and Goldust throws him in the corner. Stardust goes to lock up but feigns and kicks Goldust in the stomach, then he goes for a bulldog but Goldust slams him on the mat. Stardust rolls outside to regroup, then Goldust kicks him a few times before heading up top. Stardust slams him down and stomps him in the corner, then he rolls outside and shoves Goldust into the apron. He rolls Goldust back in and applies a waistlock, but Goldust shoves him back and Cody calls for Dark Matter. Goldust drops down and snapmares him, then he rolls Stardust up for the win.

Winner – Goldust

BP: This was a bit of an anticlimatic ending, but a decent match. Not sure if I’m reading too much into it, but this is the first time Stardust wore ring gear that wasn’t a bodysuit. Maybe it’s Stardust hinting at a character change, maybe it’s not. Hopefully we see more at Wrestlemania.  

Goldust talks to Dusty Rhodes about doing what he had to, but Stardust laughs as he walks over. He slams Goldust into an equipment case, then he hits him a few times and yells at his father. He says it’s Dusty’s fault for sending him a “bag of bones” and an Attitude Era reject, then he kicks Goldust and walks away.

WWE Tag Team Championship
Cesaro & Tyson Kidd (w/ Natalya) vs The Usos (c)

Kidd whips Jey into the ropes and gets caught with a forearm, then Jimmy tags in and hits a forearm for two. Jiatmmy throws a few chops before he hits a corkscrew dive off the ropes, then he attacks Cesaro in the corner before Kidd legwhips him into the ropes. Cesaro stomps him and Kidd slams Jimmy’s knees off the apron, then Jey kicks him away and finally makes the tag. Jey heads up top but Cesaro crotches him on the ropes and Kidd slams him down for two, then Kidd goes for a Sharpshooter but Kidd kicks him away. Kidd misses a blind tag by Jimmy but Cesaro breaks a pin attempt up, then Jey splashes him on the floor and sends Kidd into the barricade with a Samoan drop. Jey heads up top and kicks Cesaro away, then he goes for a splash but Kidd gets his knees up and gets a two count. Jey kicks out but Kidd rolls through, and he applies a Sharpshooter but Jimmy superkicks him. Jimmy and Cesaro slug it out and end up fighting to the floor, then Jey stops Cesaro from running in but Kidd hits him with a fisherman’s neckbreaker for the win. 

Winners and NEW WWE Tag Team Champions – Cesaro & Tyson Kidd