WWE Smackdown Results (12/12) – Rollins Calls Out Cena, Swagger vs Titus, Big Six Man Tag Main Event

Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan & Ryback 
vs Kane, Big Show & Luke Harper  

Dolph applies a wristlock to Kane, then Rowan punches him in the stomach and hits Kane with a scoop slam. We get back from a break to see Rowan repeatedly punch Show on the apron, then Show rolls to the floor and Rowan meets him with some more punches. He tries to hit a shoulder block but Show sends him into the ringpost, then Show chops him on the apron and hits him in the corner. Kane splashes him before Harper gets in and applies a headlock, but Rowan shoves him back and Harper hits him with a clothesline. Kane whips him but Rowan counters and they end up hitting a double clothesline, but Dolph is able to get the tag and connects with an elbow drop for two.

Dolph connects with a facebuster for two, then Harper tries to distract him and Kane catches him with a big boot as we cut to a break. We get back to see Dolph catch Show with a sleeperhold, then Show spins him around and connects with a chokeslam for two. Dolph narrowly kicks out and Show gets pissed, then he sets up for a Knockout punch but Dolph ducks and hits a Zig Zag and makes the tag. Ryback connects with some clotheslines and a running splash, then he hits a spinesbuster but Kane breaks up the pin attempt. Rowan kicks Kane in the head and whips him into the barricade, then Ryback backdrops Harper and follows with a Meathook and Shell Shocked for the win.

Winners – Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan & Ryback

Kane runs in and hits Ryback with a chair, then Rowan whips Show into the steps as Dolph superkicks the chair into Kane’s face. Ryback hits Kane with the chair a few times, then Dolph and Rowan slam the ladder into Harper and Kane before  all three set it up near the ropes. Dolph climbs up and splashes all three opponents, then celebrates with Ryback and Rowan to end the show. 



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