WWE RAW Results (8/18) – Brock’s Championship Presentation, Rollins vs Ambrose in Falls Count Anywhere Match!

 Intercontinental Championship
The Miz vs Dolph Ziggler (c)

 Dolph applies a headlock but Miz breaks it, then he kicks him in the knee and throws him into the ringpost as we cut to a break. We get back to see Dolph get a near fall rollup, then he connects with a DDT for another near fall. He tweaks his knee off the DDT so Miz puts him in the Figure Four, but Dolph is able to crawl and make it to the ropes. Dolph rolls outside and Miz goes after him, but Dolph snaps his head on the ropes and slams him on the apron. Dolph kicks him a few times but Miz knocks him off the apron, not realizing Dolph never reentered the ring so the ref counts him out. Miz gets pissed and slams Dolph into the barricade and apron, then he throws him in the ring but Dolph drops him with a Zig Zag and leaves.

Winner (by countout) – Dolph Ziggler

Jack Swagger joins Renee Young to talk about his Summerslam match with Rusev, and Swagger says he had a great opportunity, but failed. He wanted to defend his country, and “We The People” means he doesn’t quit, and his back is against the wall but he will continue to fight on.

Jack Swagger vs Cesaro

Cesaro targets Swagger’s ribs and hits him a few times, then he throws him across the ring and kicks him. Swagger hits him back but Cesaro applies an abdominal stretch, then he elbows him but Swagger breaks it with a hip toss and charges the corner. Cesaro knees him and sends him to the corner, but Swagger knees him back and hits a Swagger Bomb for two. Cesaro continues to knee him in the ribs and suplexes him on the ropes, then he tries to kick him but Swagger blocks it and grabs his foot. He applies a Patriot Lock over the ropes but Cesaro breaks free, then Swagger goes to reapply the hold but Cesaro avoids it and hits a Neutralizer for the win.

Winner – Cesaro

 Bo Dallas comes out and says 318 million Americans were let down by Swagger at Summerslam, and he lost again tonight, along with losing his manager. He says Swagger lost his respect and dignity, and all he has to do is BO-LIEVE.