WWE RAW Results (8/18) – Brock’s Championship Presentation, Rollins vs Ambrose in Falls Count Anywhere Match!

 The Miz is backstage with Dolph Ziggler and Ric Flair talking about how he’s getting his rematch tonight, and the A-lister is getting back his title. Dolph laughs at Miz’s smug attitude, and he says the title is his, and Miz is just an A-hole, which makes Flair laugh.

 Seth Rollins tells Renee Young he stood his ground and proved himself last night, and he’s the future of of WWE. Dean Ambrose comes up behind him and dumps a bucket of ice water on him, then brawls with him on the ground until they are separated. We get back from a break to see Rollins rushing into Triple H’s office, and he tells them this needs to stop now. He says he warned them about Ambrose, and HHH says he saw what happened, and they will have a rematch tonight. He says he’s letting the fans decide the stipulation tonight, because it will be on them when Ambrose loses and Rollins takes him out for good.

Natalya vs Paige

Paige tells the crowd she respects and loves AJ Lee, so she is dedicating tonight’s match to her. Paige ties up with Nattie and gets caught with an elbow, then Nattie sweeps her legs and goes for a backslide. Paige blocks it and kicks her in the head, then she crawls onto Nattie and headbutts her. AJ comes out and skips to the ring, then Nattie uses the distraction to roll Paige up for the win. AJ tells Paige she respects and loves her, despite what has happened, and she wants to shake her hand, then she chases Paige off and smiles at her.

Winner – Natalya

The Authority comes out for Brock Lesnar‘s championship presentation, and Triple H puts over Summerslam before unveiling the new WWE World Heavyweight title. He brings Brock Lesnar (and Paul Heyman) to the ring, and they shake hands and pose for a photo opportunity before Heyman starts to gloat. Heyman announces Brock formally to the crowd as their new champion, and he says John Cena isn’t there tonight. He says Cena can’t be here because Brock conquered him last night, and they have to give credit to Cena for not quitting, but he suffered last night and he finally got it. Heyman says people love Cena because he took a beating and continued to come back, and he really does not give up. Heyman puts him over and says if he had time he would even make Cena a Heyman Guy, and he would be considered the best champion ever… if Brock wasn’t around. He says Brock doesn’t care about Cena’s credibility because it died at Brock’s hands, just like The Undertaker was. He says the same fate awaits anyone foolish enough to challenge Brock, and they live by the motto of ‘eat, sleep,suplex, repeat’ and ‘eat, sleep, conquer… John Cena.’