Rewind: 2014 WWE Money In The Bank Results (6/29) – Usos vs Wyatts, Who Wins Briefcase, WWE Championship?

Rybaxel vs Stardust & Goldust

Stardust hits Axel with some punches and a dropkick, then Ryback shoves Stardust and tries to backdrop him but Stardust lands on his feet. He hits Ryback and sends him into the ropes, then Goldust tags in and hits an atomic drop and some mounted punches. Axel gets back in and repeatedly punches Goldust in the corner, then he dropkicks him and gets a two count. Axel and Ryback work to keep Goldust isolated, with Axel stomping Goldust in the corner, then he elbows Goldust and Ryback splashes him before going for a suplex.

Goldust blocks it and tries to roll him up, but Ryback blocks and gets his own near fall, then he slams Goldust on the mat and calls for a Meathook. Ryback charges but Goldust elbows him, then Stardust gets the tag and hits some crossbody blocks before following with a dropkick. He knocks Axel off the apron and Ryback throws Stardust on the apron, but Stardust responds with a springboard dropkick and an inverted DDT. Axel runs in but Goldust pulls the ropes down, then Ryback sets up Shell Shocked but Stardust floats over and hits Cross Rhodes. Axel once again tries to interfere but Stardust throws Ryback into him, then he rolls Axel up for the win.

Winners – Stardust & Goldust

Rusev (w/ Lana) vs Big E

E repeatedly hits Rusev with some forearms until Rusev regroups outside, then E shoulders him on the apron and sets up for a spear. Rusev sees it coming and knees him in the face, then he throws E in the ring and hits him a few times. Rusev throws him in the corner and runs at him, but E clotheslines him and tackles him in the opposite corner. E goes for a splash but Rusev attempts to thrust kick him, but E ducks it and connects with a running headbutt/spear that sends both of them out to the floor. Lana screams at Rusev as the ref starts counting, then E rolls him back in to get a near fall, then he sets up a Big Ending but Rusev kicks him in the face. Rusev kicks him a second time and psyches himself up, then he stomps E and puts him in the Accolade, and E fights to break it but ultimately taps out.

Winner – Rusev

BP: It’s not that I had low expectations for this match, but I was pretty impressed with how well they both did. They managed to work in a good amount of power moves and some high spots, but kept it to a good pace. I’d like to see this feud continue, maybe even in a Flag Match, which seems likely.