Rewind: 2014 WWE Money In The Bank Results (6/29) – Usos vs Wyatts, Who Wins Briefcase, WWE Championship?

Money In The Bank Contract Match
Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger vs Seth Rollins
vs Dean Ambrose vs Rob Van Dam vs Dolph Ziggler

Ambrose rushes the ring and attacks Rollins during his entrance, then Kofi hits Swagger with a ladder and tries to climb it. Ambrose tips it and sends Kofi into the three men on the floor, then he hits Rollins in the face with it and tries to suplex him into it in the corner. They fight for position before Ambrose suplexes Rollins onto the ladder, then Swagger pulls Ambrose off of a ladder and everyone tries to climb it. Dolph and Kofi knock everyone else back and slug it out, then RVD monkey flips Rollins onto a ladder and hits Rolling Thunder onto it. RVD throws a ladder at Dolph and kicks him onto it, then he hits Swagger with a Five Star and tries to climb up. Kofi runs in and knocks him down, then Kofi hits both Swagger and RVD with some kicks before sending RVD into the corner.

Kofi knocks him on the apron before setting up a superplex, but RVD blocks it and Swagger hits Kofi in the back with a ladder. Swagger hits him again before setting it up in front of RVD, then he climbs up and pulls RVD onto it, setting up a superplex off of it. RVD blocks it and shoves him back, and Swagger crashes to the mat before RVD sets up a Five Star off of it, only to have Rollins hit him from behind. RVD punches him a few times and tries to suplex Rollins, but Swagger climbs back up and powerbombs RVD, then Ambrose runs in after Rollins. Ambrose superplexes Rollins off of the ladder, then Dolph dropkicks one into Ambrose and Swagger slams Dolph into the ladder and Ambrose. Swagger takes Kofi down with a gutwrench slam, then he puts a ladder on Kofi and hits a Swagger Bomb before trying to set up another ladder.

Rollins and RVD slug it out with Swagger before Ambrose is left alone atop the ladder, and Swagger tries to pull him down but Ambrose catches him with a DDT. Ambrose knocks Rollins into the ropes before some doctor’s check on Ambrose’s injured shoulder, and they try to hold him but he screams at them to pop his shoulder back in place. Ambrose is forced to leave ringside and he is visibly pissed, and the doctors follow him back as RVD and Rollins fight on top of the ladder. Kofi slides a ladder in the rungs of the first ladder, then he climbs it and knocks RVD down before backdropping Rollins over the first ladder and onto the second. Kofi reaches the briefcase but Dolph pulls him down and hits a DDT, then he takes Swagger down with a crossbody before connecting with some mounted punches.

Dolph superkicks a mini ladder into Swagger’s face and ducks Trouble In Paradise, then he hits a Zig Zag on a ladder before climbing for the case again. Swagger puts him in the Patriot Lock on the ladder, but Dolph uses only his arms to pull himself back up the ladder and kick Swagger in the face. He is slow to climb the last few rungs but reaches the top, then Rollins hits Dolph’s knees with a chair and hits him in the back with it. Rollins climbs the ladder but Ambrose runs back out and beats the hell out of Rollins with the ladder, then he throws him outside and climbs the ladder, only to have Kane run out and try to pull him off the ladder. Ambrose kicks him in the face a few times but Kane comes back and chokeslams him, then he Tombstones Ambrose holds the ladder so Rollins can get the briefcase.

Winner – Seth Rollins

BP: This match was awesome. Plenty of spots and innovative moves, and it was still entertaining, eventhough most people predicted Rollins would win. Kane’s interference was a bit unexpected, but it was expected somewhere that Ambrose would get screwed over somehow. Rollins gets a solid win and the former Shield partners should continue to feud for a while longer.