Mick Foley Talks Heckling Fans At Comedy Shows, Former Spirit Squad Member Discusses Dolph Ziggler’s Success On Main Roster

Mick Foley talksMick Foley Talks Heckling Fans

WWE Hall of Famer and now-comedian Mick Foley interviewed with The Bellevue Reporter to promote his upcoming comedy show in Bellevue, Washington. The show takes place this Sunday at the Parlor Live venue and tickets can be found online HERE

During the interview, Mick was asked about hecklers at this shows, to which he responded:

"I tend not to get hecklers. I tend to get over-exuberant wrestling fans. Fans who don't always understand that they shouldn't shout out the endings to my stories. Because, if they're fans, they already know how the stories end. Those people enjoy it, but it's frustrating they don't let me finish the stories. Fortunately, I'm experienced entertaining on Friday and Saturday nights, when some people are drunker than usual. But if that happens, I just stand back and let the club handle it. I don't fear a heckler. I don't take pride in shredding them apart, but I'm not afraid either. We're supposed to be having laughs… I take honor in the act of entertaining people who laid down their money."

Mick Foley will also be doing four shows tonight and tomorrow in New Westminster, BC at the Lafflines Comedy Club. For a list of all of his upcoming events, plus ticket information, visit Mick Foley's official website

Former Spirit Squad Member Speaks Out

Mike Mondo, a former member of WWE's Spirit Squad group, recently spoke with Newsday.com. Mondo had the following to say about his fellow Squad member, Dolph Ziggler, and the success Ziggler has had on the main roster.

"The fact that he's had a lot of success with the Intercontinental title, and winning the world title and the Money in the Bank, that's really cool," Mondo said. "So if was not going to be me, I'm glad the next guy in line was Dolph."

You can check out the full article on Newsday.com.


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