Complete 2CW “99 Problems” Free-for-View Results & Live Review


Things go to the outside pretty early on, and AR Fox does a pretty sweet flip (ala John Morrison) to take out Elgin. He tries for a flip kick off the ring post, but comes up short and Elgin finds himself a steel chair. Fox escapes under the barricade, but Elgin dead-lifts him into a suplex, onto the floor and into a chair. 

Elgin heads back into the ring, and Fox tries to follow up with a sunset flip powerbomb, but his opponent is too heavy; Elgin reverses into the Black Hole Slam for a 2-count. The big man tries for a running lariat, but Fox does a Matrix bend under the clotheslines and comes off the second turnbuckle a cutter. They fight out to the apron, and Fox connects with Sliced Break #2 into the apron. 

Elgin rolls into a German suplex for a 2-count, and just like that he's back in control. "This is awesome" from the crowd. He connects with a series of forearms, but Fox does the Matrix bend under a lariat again; Elgin follows up by turning around and turning him inside-out. Another fight into the turnbuckles, and Elgin tries for a sideslam, but…not sure, it looks like Fox kind of countered into a DDT. 

Fox hits a 450 Splash from the top rope, but somehow Elgin kicks out. He tries for a jumping Complete Shot from the top turnbuckle, but Elgin catches him in mid-air, and hits the Elgin Bomb from 7 feet in the air for the win. 


Another great match, as expected. I'm always saying Michael Elgin and Kevin Steen are the most fun things to watch in indie wrestling today, and here's another wrestling card to prove me right. 

Elgin is a "zero frills" type of worker. Unlike Steen, you're not going to see a match stopped very often so he can piledriver a hat, or get into it with a fan, or do commentary mid-match, or one of the 1,000 ridiculously antics that Kevin is known for. Elgin is a straight-up wrestler, and he does what he does very, very well. I don't know AR Fox nearly as well, but so far I've seen only good things from him. 

Great work to Elgin and AR Fox. I'll put it up there as the second best match of the night so far. 


Havok works the early match as the larger heel, picking apart Mickie with rest holds and slow, methodical attacks. James tries to fight back, but gets caught in a baseball slide, and Havok pulls her up into a Full Nelson, followed by a backbreaker. She tries for a facewash in the corner, but Mickie finds some momentum and comes back with right hands, before running into a backbreaker yet again. 

After a couple more minutes of rest holds, Mickie hits two dropkicks and is finally in control. Havok catches a martial arts style kick, but James steps up with an enzuigiri, followed by a flapjack. She comes off the top rope for a Thesz Press, but Jessicka rolls out of the way and plants Mickie with a big boot. Havok is back on top again, using her size to work over James with stomps, right hands and chokes in the corner. We've gone past the 10-minute mark now, so of course the commentary team has to talk about how you don't see this from Knockouts or Divas. 

Mickie with a huge DDT spike in the middle of the ring for the 1-2-3. 


Mickie wins with a DDT that really came out of nowhere. A very solid, slow paced match that I enjoyed, but the finish seemed pretty abrupt, and I think the fans reflected that by not really responding to James winning. 

Good stuff. Unfortunately, wrestling fans are kind of trained not to care about women's wrestling these days. 


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