TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/21) – Turning Point Special, Storm vs Roode Deathmatch, Does Anderson End The Aces’ Run?

Storm somehow makes it back up so Roode clotheslines him, then he goes outside and gets some chairs and sets them in the middle of the ring. Roode puts Storm on his shoulders and hits a fireman's carry takeover slam, but Storm once again makes it up and Roode can't believe it. Roode beats him with a crutch and gets a barbed wire board from under the ring, then he tries to slam Storm through it but Gunner runs down and throws the towel in for Storm. Gunner checks on Storm and tries to help him up, but Storm shoves him away and screams at him for his actions, then tells him to leave him alone as they head backstage.

Winner – Bobby Roode

Ethan Carter III vs Shark Boy

Carter hits Shark Boy from behind but Shark Boy sends him into the corner and hits him back, then Carter tries to run away but Shark Boy chases him and dropkicks him. He connects with an atomic drop and some mounted punches, then he goes for the Deep Sea Drop but Carter counters with a front release slam and a headlock driver for the win.

Winner – Ethan Carter III

No Disqualification Match
Ken Anderson vs Bully Ray
(If Anderson Wins, Aces & Eights Disband,
If Bully Wins, Anderson Leaves TNA)

Anderson charges at Bully during the ring introductions and tackles him, then he hits him with the mic and low blows him while he does his own intro. Bully rolls outside and Brooke checks on him, then Bully throws her at Anderson and clotheslines him before picking Brooke back up. Bully slams his head into the steps and gets a table as we go to a break, then we get back to see Bully suplex Anderson back into the ring. Anderson hits him back but Bully kicks him in the face, then he tears Anderson's shirt off and chops him in the corner. Bully tries to elbow drop Anderson with his chain but Anderson avoids it, then Anderson hits him with the chain and runs at Bully across the ring. Bully ducks and hits a sidewalk slam for two, then he takes Anderson outside and tries to piledrive him on the floor.

Anderson backdrops him and sets up a piledriver, but Knux runs in from behind and hits Anderson and tries to whip him into the ring steps. Anderson reverses it and sends Knux into the steps, then he yells at Brooke to get out of his way and piledrives Knux on the floor. He takes Knux's cut off and holds it in the air, but Bully hits him from behind and rolls him inside before heading up to the top turnbuckles. Anderson counters with a Kenton Bomb for two, then he goes for a Mic Check but Bully breaks free and spears Anderson into a table. Bully yells at Brooke to go and get help, and Taz gives her a hammer, then she throws it in the ring but it goes over Bully's head. Anderson catches it and blasts Bully in the forehead with it, then he makes the cover to win and tears Bully's cut off right after the bell rings. Taz starts yelling about the results but Kurt Angle walks across the stage and takes Taz's cut, then he throws it to Anderson in the ring and lets him celebrate as the show ends.

Winner – Ken Anderson

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