TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/21) – Turning Point Special, Storm vs Roode Deathmatch, Does Anderson End The Aces’ Run?

Gail Kim (w/ Lei'D Tapa) vs Candace Larea

Candace charges the ring and hits some forearms and a clothesline, but Gail throws her in the corner and slams her down to get a near fall. Gail whips her across the ring but Candace comes back with a hurricanrana, then she gets a rollup for two before punching Gail in the corner. She goes for a splash but Gail sidesteps her, then they trade some forearm shots before Gail counters a headscissors takedown with a powerbomb and follows with Eat Defeat for the win.

Winner – Gail Kim

TNA Heavyweight Championship (First Round)
Florida Deathmatch
James Storm vs Bobby Roode

Storm punches Roode in front of the ramp, then Roode hits him back and whips him towards the steps, but Storm reverses it and sends Roode into them. Roode clips his knees and flips over the steps, but Storm is right there to roll him back in and he connects with an enziguiri in the corner. Storm hits the ropes but Storm hits him in the face with a cookie sheet, then he slams a crutch into Storm's ribs and knocks him down in the corner. Roode chops him and gets a garbage can, but Storm throws him into the corner and uses a kendo stick to Roode in the crotch with the can. Storm hits him in the head again and heads up top, then he sets up an inverted tornado DDT but Roode punches him in the head.

Storm goes for a rollup but Roode blocks it and stomps his chest, then he tries to slingshot Storm into a garbage can but Storm blocks it and smashes it over Roode's head. Storm gets another grabage can and bashes it over Roode's head, then the ref starts a count but Roode makes it up before ten. Storm calls for Eye of the Storm but Roode counters, hitting a spinebuster through a trash can that starts another referee's count. They both make it back up and beat the hell out of each other with the trash can lids, then they both fall down but Storm gets back up first and connects with a Last Call. Roode ends up on the floor and grabs a beer bottle, hitting Storm in the face with it and he rolls back in the ring while the ref starts to count Storm down. (Cont'd…)