Impact Wrestling Results (8/16) – New KO Debut, Aces and Eights Attacks ‘Unlikely’ Wrestler, Roode Quits?

Brooke hits some forearm shots and a few clotheslines before going for a rollup, then she puts Madison in a waistlock but Madison elbows her in the face. Madison avoids a cross body block out of the corner and goes for a rollup, and she puts her feet on the ropes but Taryn catches her. Taryn throws her feet off the ropes and Madison gets up and argues with her, but Brooke grabs her and hits a Tess-shocker for the win. (I usually try to keep things impartial, but Brooke falling on her ass was absolutely priceless. It was well worth seeing her do that, because she has been lackluster in her role thus far. Also, Taryn is looking fantastic; she's always been beautiful, but she looks even better since she was last on TV.) 

Winner and NEW Knockouts Champion – Brooke Tessmacher

Aces and Eights interrupt the broadcast and the leader says this is just the type of invitation they wanted, and he should be careful what he wishes for. He says they have been waiting to get their hands on Sting, and they are going to show up at the start of next week's show. He says they've been waiting to get their hands on him, then another member says they still have business tonight and the leader says of course they do. 

Bound For Glory Series
Bully Ray vs Jeff Hardy

James Storm makes his way out and Bully Ray asks where his friends are, then Bully locks up with Hardy and throws him headfirst into the turnbuckles. Bully goes outside and shoves Storm, then Storm takes off his jacket and gets prepared to fight but Hardy dropkicks Bully as we go to a break. When we get back, Bully measures up Hardy for a clothesline and hits him in the corner, then he drops an elbow and gets a two count. Bully puts him in a headlock and converts to a headscissors choke, then he tells Hardy to tap but Hardy reaches over and grabs the ropes. (Cont'd…)