Impact Wrestling Results (8/16) – New KO Debut, Aces and Eights Attacks ‘Unlikely’ Wrestler, Roode Quits?

AJ hits a springboard forearm and a few elbows, then he hits a pumphandle gutbuster and a clothesline for a near fall. He keeps it going with some more strikes and a neckbreaker, then Daniels gets his foot on the bottom rope to break up another near fall. Daniels gets kicked in the hamstrings and staggers towards the ropes, then AJ runs at him but Daniels backdrops him out to the floor and tells the ref to count. AJ gets up and pulls him out of the ring, then he elbows him few times and rolls under the ropes when Daniels tries to send him into the ring apron.

AJ runs across the ring and hits a somersault dive on the floor, then he gets back in the ring as Kaz shows back up and hides under the ring. Kaz tells Daniels to pin AJ and he will hold his leg, then Daniels counters a suplex attempt and falls on AJ for the pin. The ref sees Kaz and throws out the decision, then Daniels argues with the ref about the call and AJ surprises Daniels with a Pele kick for the win. AJ gets up and dares Daniels to come back, then he drops Daniels with a Styles Clash and celebrates as Kaz drags Daniels out of the ring.

Winner – AJ Styles

Sting is backstage taking a phone call with Hulk Hogan, and he says he saw what happened tonight and he's going to be there next week to fight with them. He says they need to fight or they die, and he's almost back to normal so he is getting old school and he's joining the fight. Sting gets excited and says it's Showtime, then we cut to Jeff Hardy walking into James Storm's locker room to talk about recent events. He says he didn't earn points because of Aces and Eights, but Storm cuts him off and says he isn't involved with what's going on. Storm says he has no problem fighting Hardy face to face, and he'll be at ringside during his match tonight just to show him what he's about.